Mariano Garau began dedicating himself to music as a small singer in the Ceciliano Choir under the guidance of Maestro Pietro Allori. He studied Harmony and Counterpoint with Maestro Rodolfo Cicionesi from Florence.
He is an author of romances for Soprano, Tenor, children's songs, Masses and Motets for choir.
For the Amnesty International Association he wrote a piece for the chorus of white voices, inserted in the DVD "TAPES OF WORDS FOR GIRTH ROUND OF PEACE", officially presented in Sassari on December 17, 2012.
With the "Editrice ARES" (Verona) and "Tagliabue Editore" he publishes the files: "Nel mio canto la sua lode", "Armonie di Natale”, “La Preghiera del Carabiniere” “Messa Giovanni Paolo II” and other songs for the liturgy.
He has collaborated with Natalia Di Bartolo, Art Historian and Musicologist!
The Swiss publishing house 'SYMPAPHONIE' and Les Éditions À Cœur Joie publish some of his choral pages. For the "Philadelphia International Opera Theater" writes the Cantata "Hildegard vonBingen: Mystical Child" based on a libretto by Karen Saillant, performed in world premiere in Assisi, in collaboration with the "Assisi Suono Sacro" Cultural Association; the Opera was repeated in America in November 2015.
In 2016, Maestro Mariano Garau received the request for a new "Cantata su Hildegard", which was performed in the "Basilica Superiore San Francesco di Assisi" on August 6. The new work, entitled"Hildegard Von Bingen Mystical Child and The Black Virgin", with the participation of Jamaican soprano Carline Waugh.
The opera was repeated on 15 October at Our Lady of Czestochowa in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the sanctification of that church, the largest in the United States dedicated to the Black Madonna, and on 23 October at The Church of the Advocate in Philadelphia.
On August 6, 2017, in Città della Pieve, his recent work “I bambini di Fatima e il miracolo del sole” is represented
In 2018 in Seattle, Washington State, two of his songs were published and included in a major collection of 100 sacred songs: O JESU MI DULCISSIME, MAGNIFICAT!
On 8 December 2023, he received an award from the municipalities of Valle Anzasca and Pieve Vergonte as AUTHOR OF INNUMEROUS COMPOSITIONS FOR CHORUS!
On 22 September 2024, the Chór Filharmonii Śląskiej conducted by Maestro Jarosław Wolanin will premiere the Magnificat composed for the centenary of the apparition of Fatima at the Polish Theatre in Katowice!
His compositions are performed by choirs from all over the world:
Italy, United States, Australia, France, Argentina, Brazil, Slovenia, Holland, Austria, Hungary, Latvia, Spain, Germany, South Korea, Japan, China, Switzerland, Poland, England, Portugal, Ireland, Romania, South America, South Africa, Czech Republic, Belgium, Peru, Mexico, Canada, Norway, Greece, Slovakia, Croatia, Indonesia, Venezuela, Florida, New Zealand.