Hildegard Bambina e La Vergine Nera – The Black Madonna
..and so we leave for The Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi- where Saint Francis is buried- to share in the love that has been overflowing in all of our hearts these past months- that light of our beautiful young sopranos, their families, our Hildegard Child, our Black Madonna, our composer, our harpist, our costumist and everyone who has poured so much love into our cantata. May their heartfelt devotion ring throughout our world and may their message of peace and reconciliation reign forever more here on earth. Daniela Cané Andrea Ceccomori Assisi Suono Sacro Mariano Garau Micaela Mka, Carline Waugh, Eloisa Woodruff, Eva Giglioni, Mary Consoli, Fra Latiri, Melanie Magaziner, Clare Finegan Bill Finegan Christian Bygott Benedicte Canelle Wolfgang Bernhard Hermanns Holly Phares Daniela Cittadoni Hildegard Von Bingen Bambina Mistica e La Vergine Nera- Black Madonna and so many more. Our thanks.
On August 7, 2016, Assisi Suono Sacro Festival will present International Opera Theater of Philadelphia in the world premiere of Hildegard Von Bingen Bambina Mistica e La Vergine Nera- Black Madonna(Hildegard Child Mystic & The Black Madonna) with 10 girl sopranos from Philadelphia and Carline Waugh Jamaican soprano, singing in Italian & Latin. This, the 2nd part of The Hildegard Series, tells the story of the child Hildegard’s deep belief in the power of love to bring reconciliation, compassion, flourishing to our earth and save even the most bitter of hearts. Music is by Hildegard & Mariano Garau with libretto by Karen Lauria Saillant, based on the writings of Hildegard & translated into Italian by Maria Luisa Meo of Città Della Pieve Special thanks to Andrea Ceccomori DIrector of Assisi Suono Sacro Festival & Daniela Daniela Cané Adagio Art Agency for making this extraordinary event possible.
Frammento di una scena tratto dall’ opera
Assisi Suono Sacro, Hildegarde von Bigen: Bambina Mistica e la Vergine Nera. Sabato 6 agosto alle ore 21.00 presso la Basilica Superiore di San Francesco ad Assisi, Assisi Suono Sacro, in collaborazione con Adagio Art Agency ospita per la seconda volta l’International Theatre of Philadelphia per una nuova produzione artistica su Hildegarde von Bigen che quest’anno sarà dedicata alla Bambina Mistica e la Vergine Nera su musiche della stessa Hildegard von Bingen e di Mariano Garau: una cantata su un libretto basato sugli scritti di Hildegard von Bingen, Saint Bernard of Clairvaux e altri devoti alla Madonna nera. Il libretto e la direzione artistica sono di Karen Lauria Saillant. La traduzione italiana è di Maria Luisa Meo. I costumi di Micaela Valentini.